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Whenever I begin teaching in a brand new locale

Whenever I begin teaching in a brand new locale, my initiative course is 'Raw Foods 101' ' teaching the basics of the raw foods/raw fusion lifestyle with demo's of delectable green smoothies and scrumptious salads. Scmnewline It is often very uplifting for me to get enthused responses from participants on how they are integrating green smoothies to their lifestyles and how their families are also experiencing them. Usually they share their favorite recipes with me, but always their concoctions feature ingredients that I wouldn't recommend. Scmnewline I confess to being a purist on green smoothies: While testing from time to time with including some nuts, nut milk, protein powders, dairy etc. is totally fine ' hey, variety IS the spice of life, after all ' I am extremely faithful to Victoria Boutenko's (Green for Life) magnificent creation and consider the formula works, as is
 Here's the ideal formula for a green smoothie:
 40% Greens (spinach, chard, collard, kale, lettuce, sprouts, edible weeds, etc.) placed in the blender first, closest to the blades Scmnewline 60% fruit of your preference or blend of those (of course you can always have one ALL-GREEN)
 about 2 inches of filtered water
 Ice ' they always taste better and go done more easily when fine and cold
 Trick: adding 1/2 to 1 banana or some mint leaves does wonders for camoflauging the 'green' taste
 Blend and enjoy! Scmnewline Options: If you have to sweeten it up a little, some stevia, xylitol (birch-derived is better), honey, maple syrup as well as a couple of dates. Scmnewline Occasionally I add a few Super-foods (chia gel, maca, mesquite, hempseeds, goji, acai or goldenberries) if the smoothie is going to be my one food consumption for a number of hours. (I will be doing tons of posts on Super-foods soon!)
 What I do not recommend adding to your green smoothie:
 Protein powders, nut milks, yogurt, dairy milk, oils, nuts (other than hemp seeds, sometimes)
 None of those things are mandatory! There's plenty of protein within the greens, so you should not include any protein powders, vegan or else. Fats don't combine well with the greens and fruits ' those would make for poor food-combining, therefore cancelling out some of the benefits of the smoothie. Scmnewline About once per week I make an absolutely sinful Superfoods Shake ' those have protein powders, nut milks and lots of superfoods. And I am going to share that recipe really shortly. Scmnewline Until then, below are 2 green smoothie recipes that are always popular in my groups, dinners or workshops. For more information in the amazing advantages of green smoothies and tons of 'creative green-ing' suggestions, see Volume I of Raw Fusion: Better Living Through Living Foods.
Ingredients: 1/2 group of swiss chard, 1 apple, 3/4
 cup fresh or frozen raspberries, 1 banana, 1/2 cup fresh or frozen strawberries, filtered water, ice (optional)
 Directions: Place washed greens first in blender or Vita-mix, cut apple, losing the seeds, add the rest of the ingredients and add about 2 inches of water. If you prefer it cold, then add ice. Blend until smooth, best smoothie recipes and add sweetener, if needed. Scmnewline Note: V raspberries, the coloring on this mixture comes up more of the brownish red. Most of your smoothies will probably be quite green. To get kids past the 'ick' factor either place the drink in a covered sippy cup or inform them that the green makes it some sort of 'creature mush' with exceptional powers. They're going to love green smoothies in case you add bananas or mint! Scmnewline TROPICAL TREASURES SLUSHIE
1 bunch of cilantro ' use predominantly the leaves
 1 cup of pineapple
 1/2 cup of strawberries
 1/4 cup of water and lots of ice. Scmnewline MIX AND BLISS OUT!
 Tasty sugar-free pear smoothie recipe with low fat and low calorie ingredients and organic fruits. In case you are searching for an unusual tasting Sugar Free Smoothie, the other great option is actually a Pear Smoothie without all the excessive calories that a few smoothies have. Scmnewline Sugar Free Pear Smoothie Low Fat Low Calorie Ingredients:
 Here is what you will need to purchase:
 10 ice cubes
 3 ripe and juicy pears
 2 bananas (preferably frozen)
 A cup of mixed juices (blackcurrant and orange works nicely)
 1 teaspoon sugar substitute
 Sugar Free Pear Smoothie Low Fat Low Calorie Ingredients:
 Now there are a few important caveats that you have to be aware of when using this recipe which is firstly how important it is what the state of the pears is that you use. Scmnewline If you nip into the supermarket eventually you need to be sure to select the ripest pears which you possibly can. It is in the past few days of perfect ripeness when the majority of the sweetness and flavor develops within the pears, and unless you pick ones which are in the correct time, then you will wind up with a smoothie that's too bitter. Scmnewline You can naturally add additional sugar substitute to the recipe in case you like, but should you buy the correct ingredients the very first time around then you will not need to, as it will get the job done well itself with no additions. Scmnewline You should also experiment with different types of pears since there are many different kinds, and each one of them has its own unique flavor and taste.
 What you are going to find should you try various different types is the fact that the structure of the smoothie will vary based on the kind you use along with the variety, in addition to how firm they are. Scmnewline Whilst as I said you do need pears which are fine and ripe, they need to stillbe relatively firm, since it tends to make a better final Sugar Free Pear Smoothie.
 You can also attempt to freeze the pears as you will already do with all the bananas. Scmnewline The difference this makes is that it really adds a particular crunch and bite for everything, and gives it more body and a slightly richer feel. Scmnewline The good news relating to this recipe is that it is very low fat, and also because it is composed of largely natural fruits, the sugar content is restricted to the natural sugars which are seen in those fruit components.
 If you can see them it is a good thought to be sure that all of the fruit that you choose to use are natural, since you can then make sure that it will not be sprayed with any pesticides or other unpleasant chemicals. Scmnewline These are not only bad for you, but may also really affect the taste of the smoothie, and so are bad information from a number of unusual angles. Scmnewline The way that you just produce the Sugar-free Pear Smoothie is purely to pour all the ingredients directly into a large blender then blend to taste. Scmnewline If you enjoy your smoothies to get bigger bits then only blend for a shorter period of time. For more information browse through our website.
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